Sunday, November 7, 2010

What I Am Thankful For Day 3! My Sweet Daughter!

I am thankful for my sweet little girl Kayleigh. When I was pregnant with her I never thought I would never have a girl, since Brent's mom have 6 boys and his grandma has 3 boys. So when they told us we were having a girl, I really didn't believe them. LOL :) So when she was born she weighed 9lbs 15 ounces. She was a big girl! It is amazing to see where she is 2 and half years later. She talks all of the time and is very creative and has a personality all of her own. And she is the most independent little girl that I know. I love her so much!! Love both of my children more and more every day!!!!

 First Day Home!
Future Fashion Designer!

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